sábado, 1 de octubre de 2011

The death diary...

Today, September 22th of 1939, I was waiting for the wind that not so far, is waiting the perfect moment to let me down.  So, I am going to write my experiences that made the person who I am today, to the person who someday want to remember me. Sadly, I can’t write all of my life, because I know that one day, fastly or longer, they going to find me, and until that day, my memories going to hit me the conscience, until the day that someone get me free…

my childhood....

February 12th of 1895
I was born in this happy day, in a family that didn’t have all, but had enough to survive. I was born in Prussia, a big kingdom that after some years will be added to the biggest Germany Empire. In these days, I just remember the hot blanket that was at least my best friend of my first years of life.
February 12th of 1896
Was my first year of life, my mother give me a toy that I loved, a little but beautiful tank to play in my house, with one of my brother. I forgot to mention that at that time, i lived with my mother, my father, and one of my brothers. The old one went to the war,and the little one and me just be in the house.
February 12th of 1905
Was my tenth birthday, my mother buy me a water gun to play with my friends, all of my friends already had one, but my mother didn’t want to bought me the gun because, she believe that the guns didn’t were kind of the toys that a little kid had to play.
April 16th of 1911
In one casual day, I was making my homeworks to the school, when someone knock on the door. He was a very strong man, dressed with a green uniform. He started to talk with my mom, I was wondering what was happened. After 30 minutes of talking my mom started to cry, so I couldn’t wait more and began to help her. Then she told me that my country need me, and they were taking kids of 14 to 19 years to prepare them for a very big conflict. 


November 6th of 1913
After at least 3 years of hard training, of leave days without sleep or eat, I was incrising my grade in military, today, I am not the kid that three years I was, and also today I understand that my live is the war, until always, the destination toldme that my work had ha the war.. yesterday, I was selected of a group of elite soldiers, that have a special mission, but my bosses already don’t told me nothing.
June 26th of 1914
Today, I understood the special mission, I was selected to go with a elite soldiers group to the austro hungary empire, to help this empire in the war against Serbia. I knew that this wasn’t a easy thing, but like always I was trained to help my country and to follow the rules of my bosses, without discussion.
August 9th of 1914
I was one of the survivor of the war, I didn’t thought, that a little country as Serbia, had a big military, and more than that, the good training of that soldiers, I was surprised, to find something strange, there were soldiers of other country, maybe were of Russia. I think that this little war is going to grow up in an escale never soon.
September  15th of 1914
Today, I finally come to the campament, and I return to germany empire, to my country, my house. I am waiting to the next instructions that my bosses are going to told us. But I have a bad presentiment of something that will happen.

against France...

September 29th of 1914
In the campament, my bosses, told us that we have to go to france, to fight with the French military, in order to take out france of the war. The strategy was to won with france fastly and then, attack Russia, and won the name of the most powerfull empire of the world.
October 2nd of 1914
We are traveling to france, but I was thinking about the instructions of my boss, and I really that don’t have sense, because as we know great Britain is allied with france, and maybe we going to fight with one military, the French one, but also, with the Britain military. That its so ba, because we practicly are going to a fight that iis very difficult to won.
October 30thof 1914
As I knew, we lose the war against france, not only because the Britain military was there, but also because, the French military were good trained, and thay killed a lot of us.,I finally survive, because Iwhen I understood that this war were a suicidade mission I hide under a bridge, where nobody could find me. Now, we are weak, we are tired, and we have to go to Russia to lose another fight.

we did not do the things well...

February 17th of 1918
I couldn’t write until now, because I was kidnapped in the fight with Russia, we lose almost all, I don’t know news about my country, the soldiers that save me, are wondering me all the strategies of the german military but, I didn’t anything, so they told  me that they going to let me free in two weeks, but this don’t make me so happy, because, my life were a lot of loses, and I really don’t know if its better be died.
March 12th of 1919
I  am finally free, and I am going to germany, to knoe about my soldiers, my military. About what happened with my country
April 1st of 1919
When I come back to germany, I find all soldiers talking around the country, I find that the country that I knew before, is like de double of the thing that today is. Germany, were punished with the treaty of Versailles, that practicly is, like a punishment where, are wrote that we were start the firs world war, also, that we have to lose all of our colonies in Africa and asia. Our territory were crushed at least at a half. And we have to pay like 6.6 billion of pounds.