sábado, 1 de octubre de 2011

we did not do the things well...

February 17th of 1918
I couldn’t write until now, because I was kidnapped in the fight with Russia, we lose almost all, I don’t know news about my country, the soldiers that save me, are wondering me all the strategies of the german military but, I didn’t anything, so they told  me that they going to let me free in two weeks, but this don’t make me so happy, because, my life were a lot of loses, and I really don’t know if its better be died.
March 12th of 1919
I  am finally free, and I am going to germany, to knoe about my soldiers, my military. About what happened with my country
April 1st of 1919
When I come back to germany, I find all soldiers talking around the country, I find that the country that I knew before, is like de double of the thing that today is. Germany, were punished with the treaty of Versailles, that practicly is, like a punishment where, are wrote that we were start the firs world war, also, that we have to lose all of our colonies in Africa and asia. Our territory were crushed at least at a half. And we have to pay like 6.6 billion of pounds.

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